Hero at 5 turns into a villain at 16- The rivalry between a father and son.

Kaushik Venkataraman
4 min readJul 8, 2021

Doesn't it sound weird that a person we used to admire and imitate at the age of 5 turns out to be the person we fight, argue, and look at him as the villain of our life at the age of 16….

Image source: Posted by MomJunction


In our childhood we were the fans of power rangers, we would watch the power rangers show the whole day and we used to believe that if we ever had a problem power rangers will surely come and save us, but the person who saved us the most is our FATHER!!

A father will do whatever is needed to be done to make his kid feel happy and special….Whatever the kid might ask there will never be a NO from him for that…He works hard and hard till he losses his last drop of energy in him just to make his kid happy and what he expects back is nothing but his kid to see him as his HERO…It was easy for him to attain that hero status when his kid is 5, the challenge begins only when the kid turns 16.

“Every son quotes his father in words and in deeds” — Terri Guillemets


When a kid attains the age of 16,he is no more a kid but a teen…The transformation of a kid becoming teen brings in changes like hair growth ,muscle growth and more importantly makes them think that they have the ability and experience to conquer the world and the only person who stops them from doing so is their own father…Suddenly the person whom they admired as their hero now turns into a villain for them…

“When you’re young, you think your dad is superman. Then you grow up, and you realize he’s just a regular guy who wears a cape.” — Dace Attell

There will be arguments for each and every decision that has to be made,the son who once tried to imitate his father now gets irrated by seeing him…

Image source: Posted by Good Housekeeping

Every teen thinks that their father’s are stopping them from chasing their dreams but what actually happens is that fathers doesn't want their children to do the same mistakes which they had done in their younger age, some mistakes cant be undone and will haunt them for rest of their life,they doesn't want their kids to be haunted by mistakes of their past….

“When I was a boy of 14, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be 21, I was astonished at how much the old man had learned in seven years.” — Mark Twain

A father tries to teach his son everything he knows and wants to put him on the right track before he dies, but we sons don't understand his idea and we get into arguments with him…After a while when we had made the mistakes which have changed our life we wish our father could help us out ,but deep inside we know its already too late for him to save us…When we have kids we try to teach them what he failed to learn from our father’s and as a result we will be treated exactly the same way we had treated our father , and thus this cycle of HERO AT 5 TURNS INTO VILLAIN AT 16 continues…

“Until you have a son of your own, you will never know the joy, the love beyond feeling that resonates in the heart of the father as he looks upon his son” — Kent Nerburn

Image source: Posted by BayArt

So My Dear readers, your fathers are just trying to protect you and place you in the right track of life, once you understand this the man who was your hero at 5 will be your hero till the last breath….When you humiliate and ignore you father do remember that,there are kids in the world who are dying to have a father who could be their hero…



Kaushik Venkataraman

Writing is something beyond just writing words,it's an emotion of a writer . Am writing here because I can and i love to write. Email: kaushmv07@gmail.com